We had a well attended meeting on Monay, where Anthony Turner of ClimateSence explained climate change and peak oil, we had a lively debate. We will formally launch Teign Transition at our next meeting. The Transistion Handbook is now available at Quayside Bookshop 43 Northumberland Place (01626 775436 quaysidebookshop@gmail.com). If you plan to buy a copy, please support your local independent bookshop.
The Transition approach can be sumed up in two words 'resilience and relocalisation'
Resilience (a term used extensively in civil defence/emergency planning)– the ability of communities, maintain their ability to function in the face of change and shocks from the outside. Rob Hopkins insists that as we move to cut carbon emissions, we must give equal importance to rebuilding the resilience of our communities. The degree of oil dependency of economic globalisation – irrespective of the injustice and environmental destruction it has caused – means that we have little option but to move towards more localised, energy-efficient and productive living arrangements. There are of course many senior citizens in Teignmouth who can remember when such a state existed - local food sold in local shops.
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